What Is An Intimacy Blanket?
Posted on September 21 2023

So you are looking for something that can make things a bit more spicy. I think you landed in the right spot with an intimacy blanket. An intimacy blanket can make a world of difference when it comes to sex between a couple which can lead to the overall intimacy. "It's not sustainable long-term to have a romantic relationship without emotional intimacy" writes Rachel Wright and Wendy Gould. We couldn't agree more with this and hope that an intimacy blanket can help. When it comes to an intimacy blanket there are a few things to keep in mind. You want the blanket to be waterproof, comfortable and discreet. Lets dive in.
Shop our waterproof intimacy blankets here.
What is an Intimacy Blanket
An intimacy blanket is obviously a blanket that you and yours use to make thing more intimate. Anything from a love making quilt to a sexy time sheet can be deemed an intimacy blanket but we think those that work the best have a purpose and utility. Which would be waterproofness. We can get into that later but nothing makes an intimacy more intimate when you have to use it, wink wink. I mean if you are laying on a blanket when you have the big O, the next time you see it will remind you of that and the person who helped along the way. Hence crowning a once run of the mill blanket an intimacy blanket.
Don't worry - we like to think of an intimacy blanket as one that to deemed that by the couple. A blanket can be bought, but the intimacy has to be added. And an intimacy blanket is one you and yours use for intimate moments. The rest is up to you.
Shop our waterproof intimacy blankets here.
Why It Should Be Discreet
When it comes to nobody knowing it is your intimacy blanket you may ask, why would this matter? Its just going to be in my bedroom! I think we need to think about making things more intimate. Wouldn't it be thrilling to have an intimacy blanket sitting out all day and nobody really knows what it is for? That is where a discreet blanket comes in to play. Its the whole "if you know you know" aspect of it that can turn a spark into a flame and reignite something in couples.
When people have an intimacy symbol sitting out all day it reminds them of happy times so to say. Leaving it folded nicely on the bed and walking by will only make you think, and make you want more. Not to mention laying it out. What if your partner had laid out the blanket and you stumbled in on it. Would there be excitement? A smile on your face? A beat in your chest? Exactly why the blanket needs to be discreet and out for all (or the two of you) to see.
This is just my humble opinion, I have spoken to several customers and they have vouched for this so I wanted to share.
Shop our waterproof intimacy blankets here.
Why Should It Be Waterproof
Simply put, yes. I mean if you are going to be having sex on a blanket isn't that a no brainer? Regardless of how you and yours normally go about your business or do things I think a waterproof blanket is a great idea. There is no easier way to relax than knowing that nothing is going to be ruined in the heat of the moment. Knowing this makes things that much more enjoyable! I mean, who likes the wet spot? I can think of countless *disagreements* that have happened over who has to sleep in the cuddle puddle. No body likes the cold we abyss that can occur and nobody wants to change the sheets right before they are going to sleep. You can make your life easier by making sure your intimacy blanket is waterproof.
Shop our waterproof intimacy blankets here.
Why It Should be Comfortable
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't even have to write sections - ha! But seriously, this is the most important part! You and your husband, wife, fiancé, girlfriend, boyfriend have decided you want an intimacy blanket you need one that's comfortable. Why would you want to be intimate or "mark" a blanket as intimate that is uncomfortable to lay on or cover up with on the sofa? Comfort is key in this situation, not only is it nice to the touch but things that so much as look comfortable can increase intimacy. The better it feels the better it feels, if you know what I mean. You want something that is going to be worthwhile to use and a comfortable blanket is the start of that.
Get a blanket that is comfy and cozy and let the sexy times fly.
Shop our waterproof intimacy blankets here.
Our Choice in an Intimacy Blanket
So you came here looking for a choice in intimacy blankets and finally reached our pick. We designed this blanket with many many use cases in mind, but one of those were sex and intimacy. Two very powerful things that many of us hold sacred. Which is why the Accent - Waterproof Throw is the perfect intimacy blanket. The blanket looks and feels just like any other blanket out there. comfortable and cozy - made of soft sherpa and flannel this blanket is your friend in the cold months and it great to lay on in the summer months.
The blanket itself is waterproof but that doesn't show to the touch or by looking at it. It is very discreet and looks just like any other blanket would. Get your love life back on track, add that extra spark or simply have a little fun with this intimacy blanket.